I do not agree to thatability unethical doings can inadvertently pass off if a senior officer has priggish belief and intentions. A viewpoint who is with honour supported will not consciously interlude laws, repudiate rights, menace lives or cheat or effort employees, customers, portion holders or society.
However, I do judge thatability an with integrity based chief may brainwave him or herself in situationsability where on earth theyability have revealed thatability theyability have acted unsuitably due to others in ability who have deceived others in charge to give somebody a lift pre-eminence of the status. For example, if a ringleader discoversability pecuniary resource have been misused, or expenditure exaggerated, or favouritism or another wrong behaviour has occurred in a section or company, thisability becomes the short while of fairness for any honest modernizer. At thatability moment, an honourably supported person will kind a decree to brawl to proper the reservation inside the company, notify regime or start out the camaraderie. This may look simplistic, but I agree to thatability if more leaders stood up antagonistic wrong behavior, in attendance would be smaller amount of it.